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Payload Format of nomad XS

Payloads are using big endian data encoding; Signed integers use two’s complement for encoding.

01Status[6:2] + Moving flag[0] (moving = 1)uint8
1-44Latitudeint32, 1/1’000’000 deg
5-84Longitudeint32, 1/1’000’000 deg
9-102Altitudeuint16, 1/10 meter
111Yearuint8, year after 2000
121Monthuint8, [1..12]
131Dayuint8, [1..31]
171Time to fixuint8, second(s)
18-192Ambient lightuint16, Lux
20-212Accelerometer X-axisint16, mg
22-232Accelerometer Y-axisint16, mg
24-252Accelerometer Z-axisint16, mg
26-272Temperatureint16, 0.1 °C
28-292Pressureuint16, 0.1 hPa
30-312Gyroscope* X-axisint16, 0.1 dps
32-332Gyroscope* Y-axisint16, 0.1 dps
34-352Gyroscope* Z-axisint16, 0.1 dps
36-372Magnetometer* X-axisint16, mgauss
38-392Magnetometer* Y-axisint16, mgauss
40-412Magnetometer* Z-axisint16, mgauss

*Optional sensors

01Status[6:2] + Low battery flag[0] (low = 1)uint8
1-22Battery voltageuint16, mV


Status is only sent after a Config Downlink as an acknowledgement in the next Uplink. 4 bit [6:3] conf_change_id plus 1 bit [2] for success (=1) or failure (=0). conf_change_id counter resets after reaching 15 (1111).

0-34Localization interval while moving, IMuint32, s
4-74Localization interval while steady, ISuint32, s
8-114Config/Status interval, ICuint32, s
12-132GPS timeout while waiting for fixuint16, s
14-152Accelerometer wakeup thresholduint16, mg
16-172Accelerometer delayuint16, ms
18-203Firmware version (major,;minor; patch)3 x uint8
21-222Hardware version (type; revision)2 x uint8
23-264Battery “keep-alive” message interval, IBuint32, s
27-304Re-Join interval in case of Join Faileduint32, s
311Accuracy enhancementuint8, s [0..59]
32-332Light lower thresholduint16, Lux
34-352Light upper thresholduint16, Lux

0-34Localization interval while moving, IMunit32, s
4-74Localization interval while steady, ISunit32, s
8-114Config/Status interval, ICunit32, s
12-132GPS timeout while waiting for fixuint16, s
14-152Accelerometer wakeup thresholduint16, mg
16-172Accelerometer delayuint16, ms
18-214Battery “keep-alive” message interval, IBuint32, s
22-254Re-Join interval in case of Join Faileduint32, s
261Accuracy enhancementuint8, s [0..59]
27-282Light lower thresholduint16, Lux
29-302Light upper thresholduint16, Lux
01Flash erase = 1uint8
01Power off = 0uint8


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