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Delete a asset by UUID.



Delete a asset by UUID.


Path Parameters

    uuid uuidrequired

    Unique identifier for the asset




    $schema uri

    A URL to the JSON Schema for this object.




    $schema uri

    A URL to the JSON Schema for this object.

    createdAt date-timerequired

    Date and time the asset was created.

    customer uuidrequired

    Unique identifier for the owner (customer)

    deletedAt date-timerequired

    Date and time the asset was deleted.

    device stringnull

    Possible values: >= 16 characters and <= 16 characters

    Unique identifier for the device associated with asset

    integration uuid

    Unique identifier for the integration associated with asset


    LastPosition (object,null)

    Last known position of the asset.

    accuracy double

    Accuracy of the position

    altitude double

    Altitude of the position

    capturedAt date-timerequired

    Date and time the asset was captured.

    latitude doublerequired

    Latitude of the position

    longitude doublerequired

    Longitude of the position

    moving booleannullrequired

    Is the asset moving

    receivedAt date-timerequired

    Date and time the asset was captured.

    source stringnullrequired

    Possible values: [gnss, wifi, ble, lora]

    Source of the position

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 80 characters

    Name of asset.

    positions int64

    Number of positions for the asset.

    updatedAt date-timerequired

    Date and time the asset was updated.

    uuid uuidrequired

    Unique identifier for the asset

    status int64required
    timestamp date-timerequired